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Why do you feel abnormal urination after sex life

Why do you feel abnormal urination after sex life?

Some people can't wait to urinate after sex, while others can't urinate after sex, despite the feeling of urinating. Generally speaking, when the orgasm, due to the tension of the arm sphincter release fatigue, often appear urine, this is normal. For women, the urethral opening is prone to direct or indirect stimulation during sexual intercourse, and it is easier to urinate after sexual intercourse. In addition, both men and women may have difficulty urinating after sexual intercourse, which is mostly manifested as inability to urinate for a few hours after sexual intercourse, often accompanied by varying degrees of urinary retention. Men are mostly due to emotional overtension, overexcitement, spasm of urethral sphincter and detrusor muscle; Women will be due to the increase of the perineal body stiffened and manifested as non-parturient contraction of the vaginal outer mouth, so there will be difficulty urinating after intercourse.


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